Ways to Get Involved with Hope Pregnancy Center

Our mission is to help young men and women have hope and choose life in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy. Your donations are vital to our ongoing ministry and we appreciate your faithful support. You are making a difference in the lives of those struggling with a pregnancy decision and providing an opportunity for them to receive accurate information on their options and hope in Christ.
Here are some other ways you can help:
- Parents Empowered
- Church Tours
- Sewing Projects – Handmade Positive Bags are given to clients who have a positive pregnancy test. The bags are filled with literature, a gospel tract, small baby items and gifts for Mom. Download a pattern.
- Showers of Blessing – Host a baby shower for Hope Pregnancy Center’s Baby Boutique. Clients shop with points earned in parenting & fatherhood classes to earn items needed to care for their new babies.
- Work Day at Hope – Groups come to the center to help with special projects, landscaping, spruce-ups or building maintenance.
- Special Events