My name is Patrick*, and I am in seventh grade at Cimarron Middle School. I have been at Boys Ranch Town for three-and-a-half months. I enjoy reading books, hanging out with the other boys on campus and playing video games. I also just started wrestling and like animals! Some of my favorite things about Boys Ranch Town are the swimming pool, living in the cottage with my houseparents and the other boys, and participating in the campus recreation program. When I first moved to Boys Ranch Town, it felt really big and nice with a lot of new people and names to remember. But I love the safe environment, and all the facilities are super nice. Lately, I have been learning to trust God within my current circumstances. I have really enjoyed learning about God in my cottage bible study time. I am really proud of myself for growing in how to handle my emotions and interacting well with others.

Please pray I get into the horse program next semester. Please pray for my brothers and sisters at home. Please pray I continue to trust God as I learn more about Him.

*Name changed to protect their privacy.

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