My name is Paris*, and I am in the tenth grade at Madill High School. I have lived at Baptist Home for Girls, Madill (BHG) for seven months. I really enjoy playing basketball, reading, sleeping and spending time with the people I love! One of my favorite things to do on campus is to participate in campus-wide meals in our gym. I like it when we all get together and Mr. Meridth cooks for us! I also enjoy going on outings with my cottage. When I moved to BHG, the community aspect took some time for me to adjust to and moving to a small town was hard. I love my houseparents, caseworker and our ag director and his wife. I especially enjoy getting to be a part of the ag program! I love my goat, and I also love the bunny program we started on campus. Recently, my cottage has been reading through the book of Mark. Even though I already knew some stories, I feel like I have a better understanding of the acts leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion. I’m proud of my intelligence and my determination to grow in my relationships, in my faith and with my family.

Please pray for my strength to grow as a leader in my cottage. Please pray for my focus to strive after God’s will for my life. Pray also for my communication skills to continue to grow with my family.

*Name changed to protect their privacy.

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