Support a Single Mom
When you give approximately $35 per family member, you are supporting a single mother as she cares for her children. Your gift provides:
- Parenting, life skills and budgeting education
- Utilities for their cottage
- Food for their family
- Transportation for work and school
In the United States, of the 11 million single-parent families with children under the age of 18, nearly 80 percent were headed by single mothers; they remain at the greatest risk of homelessness.
Read More: On the Margins of Motherhood: Homelessness as a Single Mother |
The Children’s Hope program provides a safe place for single moms to live and get back on their feet after they have left behind domestic abuse, drug abuse, poverty and homelessness. Your gift provides the daily living expenses for a single mom and her children at The Vine or Baptist Children’s Home.
Foster Care Minisries
When you give $50, you are providing comfort and support to foster and adoptive parents. Your gift provides:
- Ongoing training resources
- Adoption resources for local churches
- Gifts for foster parents
According to a United States Department of Human Services report, Oklahoma’s foster care system is ranked one of the lowest in the nation.
Through church partnerships, Foster Care Ministries provides training opportunities and other events that equip and encourage foster and adoptive parents. Training opportunities help these families meet annual in-service requirements. Biblical training and encouragement are provided through in-person events and an online platform.
Mental Health Support
When you give $75, you are providing mental health support for all children and their families and OBHC staff. Your gift provides:
- Biblical counseling for children and their famlies
- Biblical counseling for staff
- Trauma training for staff
More than 25% of American youth experience a serious traumatic event by their 16th birthday, and many children suffer multiple and repeated traumas.
Read More: Basic Facts about Child Trauma (PDF)
The majority of children and their families in our care have experienced trauma. Your gift provides a way for them to seek healing through a biblical perspective. Your gift also provides trauma training, counseling and mental health services for OBHC staff to provide them with the necessary tools to care for children and their families.
Support a Child
When you give approximately $115, you are supporting a child for a day. Your gift provides:
- Meals, utilities and transportation
- Therapeutic animal programs
- On-campus activities and cottage family outings
OBHC is the largest residential childcare provider in the state. Many of the children in our care have experienced trauma, loneliness or neglect. Your support provides children with a loving home, safe environment and the opportunity to hear the gospel.
Pregnancy Services for One Client
When you give approximately $275, you are providing a year of pregnancy services for one client at Hope Pregnancy Center. Your gift provides:
- Ultrasound
- Pregnancy test
- Pregnancy education and parenting classes
Men and women who see their baby on ultrasound choose life for the baby 78% of the time.
When you give, you help Hope Pregnancy Centers across the state provide pregnancy testing, ultrasounds and parenting classes to abortion-minded women and men. Your gift encourages clients to choose life for their baby and, most importantly, hear the gospel.
All Ministries
When you give to “all ministries” your gift will immediately impact an area of the ministry that needs it most.